R.E.M.-Out Of Time (1991)
Artist: R.E.M.
Title: Out Of Time
Year of Release: 1991
Country and Year of Edition: US 1991
Sell Price: $3.04
Sell Date: 12/23/24
Condition: VG+/VG+
Discogs Last Sold: 11/24/24 NM/NM $1.25
Low: $0.56
Median: $2.03
Average: $2.27
High: $8.33
Current low price: $0.52
Current Number on Sale at Discogs: 117
Have/Want: 2970/191
Where Sold: Sallisaw, OK
Time It Took To Sell: 13 years
Where and When Bought: internet online used early aughts
Gwiz-gau Letter Grade: B-
Sad To See It Go: No
This is an album I find profoundly boring and yet decent all at the same time. Dylan railed that Stipe was singin' about losing his religion when he hadn't even found it yet. Still, they brought a mandolin to #4 on the Billboard charts, making it their biggest hit, even bigger than "The One I Love." "Shiny Happy People" with the B-52's Kate Pierson was also top 10, so 1991 certainly was the year you could not escape REM at the ultimate peak of their commercial powers they had been building to most of the 80's.
Guest stars were part of the mix in this record for the people. Aside from the 3 Kate sweetened tracks ("Country Feedback" and "Me In Honey" are the others), KRS-1 is brought in for the opening "statement" song "Radio Song." This was a video hit not a radio one back when alt-rock liked to bring out rappers for cameos ("Kool Thing" by Sonic Youth the year before comes to mind). You can't say KRS-1 shut the song out of popular contention, I remember that video more than the others for sure. But biting the hand that feeds couldn't top the two monster hits of the record.
7 out of 11 of these tracks had video clips although a couple seemed a bit atmospheric for mass early 90's consumption. That said, I managed to ignore this album fairly completely outside of the 3 hits I mentioned. They don't differ all that much from what was served up on Automatic For The People which I bought and liked in it's time. This one, like the title, was bought maybe 10 years after release to complete the discography around the last time I saw the band at Madison Square Garden.
I wouldn't start here for REM.
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