Various Artists-Electricity (A Brief History of Future Sound) (2012)


Artist:  Various Artists (Fad Gadget, Throbbing Gristle, Can, Plastikman, Moby Nitzer Ebb, Add N To (X), Renegade Soundwave, LCD Soundsystem, Photek, Pan Sonic, Daft Punk, DAF, NON)

Title: Electricity (A Brief History of Future Sound)

Label: Mojo Magazine

Format: CD

Catalog Number: Mojo #226 September 2012

Year of Release: 2012

Country and Year of Edition: UK 2012

Sell Price: $3.15

Sell Date: 12/16/24

Condition: M/M shrinkwrapped

Discogs Last Sold: 12/9/24 NM/NM $3.99

Low: $0.52

Median: $2.08

Average: $2.15

High: $3.99

Current low price: $0.95

Current Number on Sale at Discogs: 54

Have/Want: 1219/80

Where Sold: Laguna Niguel, CA

Time It Took To Sell:  13 years

Where and When Bought: came with issue of Mojo

Gwiz-gau Letter Grade: A-

Sad To See It Go: No

Another one of those Mojo comps that never made it out of the shrinkwrap from an issue purchased 13 years ago.  This one was compiled by Daniel Miller, founder of the label Mute.  Since Mute is one of the premier underground electronic labels of the UK, with an essential vision, one could be comforted in knowing that your hour ahead of you is in good hands.

Throbbing Gristle's greatest track, "Hamburger Lady" is here as Can, Cabaret Voltaire, NON, DAF, Nitzer Ebb and Fad Gadget for old standbys.  The "future" is represented by LCD Soundsystem and established popular acts like Daft Punk and Moby. That leaves us with a bunch of 90's acts like Add N To (X) which I bought and Plastikman, Renegade Soundwave, Photek and Pan Sonic which I didn't.

Sort of like listening to a good DJ that likes this type of stuff exclusively, put together in a way that never transcends the background.

Really nothing here to turn off.


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