Bernard Butler-People Move On (1998)


Artist:Bernard Butler

Label: Creation/Columbia

Format: CD

Catalog Number: CK-69332

Year of Release: 1998

Country and Year of Edition: US 1998

Sell Price: $2.70

Sell Date: 8/29/24

Condition: VG+/VG+ hole punch in barcode

Discogs Last Sold  6/14/24 VG+/VG+ $6.08

Low: $0.25

Median: $2.00

Average: $2.30

High: $7.95

Current low price: $0.99

Current Number on Sale at Discogs: 28

Have/Want: 276/6

Where Sold: Seminole, FL

Time It Took To Sell:  12 years

Where and When Bought: discarded cd collection given

Gwiz-gau Letter Grade: B

Sad To See It Go: No

Bernard Butler's solo debut following his departure from Suede was the aptly titled People Move On.  He had aspirations beyond a one-off and this album represented a move away from what Suede and the flamboyant stylings of Brett Anderson represented.

There is a bit of British Springsteen going on, not so much in presentation but nuance, particularly in my favorite song on the album, "You Just Know."  The background vocals provide the sort of sound the E Street Band chimes in with.  The other standout track is "Not Alone" which adds strings to the big anthem.

The track that was a bit annoying was "When You Grow."  Perhaps frustrating in it's sentimentality.  Shielding from pain that he had gone through with the recent passing of his father.  This one has a bit of Bono-itis, but at the end of the day it's the third best track on the record.

In 2021 Butler saw fit to re-record vocals for this album.  I have no idea why, maybe he felt he could deliver them more confidently than when he was first turning away from Suede.  Personally I managed to ignore Butler, his name and his prior band in the 90's and only because I was given a bag of CD's comprised primarily of 90's Brit pop have I begun to assess any of this stuff.  With yet another Suede CD (post-Butler) selling with this one, I'm knee deep in this stuff.

I appreciate Butler's approach.

For further review:

The London Suede (1993)

Stay Together (1994)


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