Warren Zevon-Mutineer (1995)
Artist: Warren Zevon
Title: Mutineer
Label: Giant
Format: CD
Cat #:9 24618-2
Year of Release: 1995
Country and Year of Edition Issue: US 1995
Listed Condition VG+/VG+
Sell Date: 5/20/24
Sell Price:$8.88
Discogs Last Sold:4/17/24 M/VG+ $5.00
Low: $2.99
Median: $8.00
Average: $7.80
High: $12.00
Current low price: $11.06
Current Number on Sale at Discogs: 4
Have/Want: 258/28
Where Sold: Albany, CA
Time it took to sell: 5 months
Where and When Bought: Facebook CD lot
Gwiz-gau Letter Grade: A-
Sad To See It Go: No
I first purchased Mutineer in 2002 after Dylan started playing the title track of this album live on a regular basis. I hadn't really been listening to Zevon much since Sentimental Hygiene in the late 80's, although I got back on board around this time with this and his checkout album The Wind as well as My Ride’s Here and Life'll Kill Ya. The first Zevon record I ever bought was his cover of Ernie K-Doe's "A Certain Girl" on a 45 when Bad Luck Streak In Dancing School was new and I was 10. I knew "Mother In Law" but I probably didn't even know the Yardbirds did it also. As far as I was concerned it was a Zevon original. I also got the first album and Excitable Boy and Stand In The Fire in the next years before the CD era, so my history of liking Zevon went way back. I don't know why I fell off for 10-15 years. Sometimes that happens.
Anyway, the big standout track for me was NOT the Dylan usurped album closing "Mutineer" but the track before it "Monkey Wash Donkey Rinse." But as I was listening I had a different version imprinted in my brain. Then I realized that David Lindley, who played on the record, did a version when Zevon's posthumous tribute album Enjoy Every Sandwich came out and the harmonies on that version were what stuck in my head. Still a great song whoever does it.
My favorite track on Mutineer now is "Something Bad Happened To A Clown." Zevon hits an awkward falsetto here and who doesn't like songs about clowns? As for the rest "Rotweiller Blues" has a great lyrical concept ("don't knock on my door if you don't know my rotweiller's name") and the opener, "Seminole Bingo" overcomes a feeling of sounding too much like Neil Young's "Rocking In The Free World" with a great chorus.
A junk bond king playing Seminole Bingo.
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