Bryan Ferry-As Time Goes By (1999)


Artist: Bryan Ferry

Title: As Time Goes By

Label: Virgin

Format: CD

Cat #: 7243 8 48270 2 1

Year of Release: 1999 

Country and Year of Edition Issue: US 1999

Listed Condition: VG+/VG+

Sell Date:5/16/21

Sell Price: $3.99

Discogs Last Sold: 5/4/21 $3.00

Low: $1.22

Median: $3.44

Average: $3.90

High: $11.48

Current low price:$2.75

Current Number on Sale at Discogs: 23

Have/Want: 353/17

Where Sold:West Hollywood, CA

Time it took to sell: 8 years

Where and When Bought: sometime in aughts used around .75

Gwiz-gau Letter Grade: B-

Sad To See It Go: No

I'm not the worlds biggest fan of Rock artist does jazz vocal standards.  Somehow I bought this CD on a Bryan Ferry completist tear on sometime in the aughts and the cursory listen didn't make it into my brain that, yes, Virginia, this is a standards album.

You must remember this, indeed.  It feels like I'm listening to this for the first time ever. Embarking on the world of multiple Cole Porter songs and of course a Rodgers & Hart.  You know the names.  They are standard bearers of standards.

Do I want to do a chin stroking critique of how wonderful it is to have Ferry's "supple pipes" applied to the  "Great American Songbook?"  From Ringo's Sentimental Journey and Paul's Kisses on The Bottom to Bob's Shadows In The Night/Fallen Angels/Triplicate series, there have always been space for the distinctive generational vocals to tackle strings 'n things.  Ferry's came at the end of the 90's.

I started to enjoy this record more with the fantasy that my neighbors were throwing fireworks off the roof at 9:30-10pm because they just couldn't stand the sound of Ferry's voice.  My desire to crank Ferry's jazz vocal stylings very loud to annoy them was kept in check to prevent them from annoying me.  You could say I'm referring to both this album AND the fireworks hour.

The initial volume wasn't loud enough for such a tactic.  I doubt it was heard at all.


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