Alice Cooper-Alice Cooper's Greatest Hits (1974)


Artist: Alice Cooper

Title: Alice Cooper's Greatest Hits

Label: Warner Bros.

Format: LP

Cat #: BSK 3107

Year of Release: 1974

Country and Year of Edition Issue: US 1977 “Tree” Warner

Sold Price: $4.99

Listed Condition: VG/VG with inner sleeve

Sell Date: 11/15/20

Discogs Last Sold: 5/22/20 NM/VG+ $7.00

Low: $1.00

Median: $4.12

High: $39.00 NM/NM cover beautiful with original insert

Current low price:  $1.50 VG

Current Number on Sale at Discogs: 1,002

Have/Want: 1636/54

Where Sold: Bemsville, ON, Canada

Time it took to sell: 5 years

Where and When Bought: That's Entertainment, Worcester $1.29

Gwiz-gau Letter Grade: A+

Sad To See It Go?: No

Perhaps one of the greatest "Greatest Hits" albums of all time.  I got this in the dollar bin at That's Entertainment in Worcester in the very early 80's, and was shocked at how good shape it was in.  Maybe someone returned it, but it was a clean play, no skips, no discernible marks and the original inner sleeve.  Perhaps Alice Cooper wasn't selling because everyone had it.

Although my friend John next door was big on the "Alice the man" albums of the late 70's--Welcome To My Nightmare and From The Inside on 8-track were heard relentlessly--these tracks are from the peak commercial period of "Alice the Band."  There isn't a dud among them.  Even "Teenage Lament '74", which foreshadowed the theatrical drama to come, was a stone cold classic.  You can't go wrong with any of these.  I'm 18 into Is It My Body into Desperado into Under My Wheels into Be My Lover into School's Out.  And that's just side one!  The hits just keep on comin'....Hello Hooray into Elected into No More Mr. Nice Guy into Billion Dollar Babies...what are you goin' to do?  Tell ya what I'm goin' to do!...close with Holy Muscle of Love, that's what!

I always filed Alice Cooper under 'C' even though I knew Alice Cooper was a band.  This is the era to be filed under A.  After this it moved to C.

I saw Alice the man a few years ago at the Beacon Theatre for the first time since the late 80's where I saw the big 1986 comeback at the Worcester Centrum, then in 1988 on a theatre double bill with Motorhead both in Worcester and Providence.  The best of these was Providence.  I had like third row tickets and the audience was dirtbag blue collar denim wearin' motherfuckers.  It was different than the Worcester shows, maybe because I was up close that night.  Dirtier.  People rushing the stage and my ROW.  Stoner kids taking over.  Worcester went on sale after Providence, and I had balcony freebee and a setup interview with Wurzel, the newish guitarist from Motorhead for WICN that never happened.  Wurzel was kind of a dick to me I remember. 

A couple years ago there was a nice decapitation on stage and I had civilized drinks after with my friend Skeleton Boy Ryan and his lady at a nearby bar afterwards.  


That's what NYC is for.


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